Saturday, April 7, 2007

Onose First Evolution

Now it's time to show you the first evolution of Onose.

I called this Pokemon "Onosering".
Type: Grass
Height: 3' 4''
Weight: 24 lb
Evolution: Onose ---> Onosering (Lv: 13) ---> Onosechic (Lv: 32)
Information: Onosering does'nt like other Pokemons. He is not socialized and he "works" alone. he uses leaf as strong as metal as a weapon.

In my next post I will show you the last evolution of Onose - Onosechic.

See ya...

Monday, April 2, 2007

First NG Pokemon at the blog...

Here , like I have promised , I'll reveal to you my first Pokemon character I created.

I called this Pokemon "Onose".

Type: Grass
Height: 2' 3''
Weight: 14 lb
Evolution: Onose ---> Onosering (Lv: 13) ---> Onosechic (Lv: 32)
Information: Onose based on the Shrew animal. Onose likes to climbe on trees and to rest there.
The Onoses don't like to hang around with each other , but when they are being attacked they are helping each other.
In my next post I will reveal the evolution of Onose - Onosering.